Kick-off: The WPA project at Florida State University

Denise Bookwalter approached me in the Fall of 2013 about working on a collaborative project with Small Craft Advisory Press. After a bit of research, I found an unpublished manuscript on the website of the Florida State Archives. The manuscript was a collection of non-fiction stories written for children in Florida by writers for the WPA. I proposed that we re-publish this manuscript, through the eyes of paired sets of artists and writers.

Here’s my original notes from the process:


A writer and a book artist interpret the same chapter from the WPA’s guide to Florida. The content should update/reform/critique the original text, not just illustrate it. The process of how this happens is like a game. Constraints and rules are set, and each individual develops ideas and content before merging these ideas into a single form:

  1. Each writer picks a chapter, and develops writing inspired by the chapter. (Ashley G, maybe you can help come up with a way to describe the length and quantity. We don’t want a whole manuscript, but maybe 3 to 4 poems, or a list of words, or a short essay).

Each book artist/printer is assigned one of the selected chapters and develops imagery and sequence (pattern, imagery and color, even structure, but using few or no words).The writer and the artist can talk about their ideas, but can’t show each other the work until both visual and textual ideas are in semi-realized form.

  1. Then, the mash-up happens. The writer and book artist share/show each other the ideas, there is editing and revision for both components, and a final design is developed.
  1. I imagine the final form of all the work as a series of pamphlets or a multi-section book of some kind, containing all seven chapters. Structural considerations, ideas and other constraints can be discussed in December?


A group of 7 to 10 designers/printers and 7 to 10 writers. My suggestions are below, but they are just suggestions, and I think we could have up to ten pairs.

50 years since Griffin v County School Board of Prince Edward County

May 25, 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Griffin v County School Board of Prince Edward County, which provided a conclusion for the history I’ve been working on for The Unbound Project.

To commemorate the day, I am releasing a pdf version of UnboundYou can download the pdf here and read more about the letterpress version.

Read Professor Larissa Fergeson’s great op-ed about why this case matters:

The Free Schools Archive at VSU

I spent the day at the Free Schools Association archive at the historic black college VSU. Amidst the boxes of correspondences and receipts for supplies, I found that Neil Sullivan, the superintendent, methodically evaluated the effectiveness and culture of the Free Schools almost from the first day.  I found the survey given to teachers after the first month of school.

Continue reading The Free Schools Archive at VSU

Plessy v. Ferguson

Tonight, I remembered having to memorize the facts of Plessy v. Ferguson in high school for an American History exam. I remember at the time trying to memorize the name and significance: it declared that it was legal to have different public spaces for black and white people. In my head, because I was trying to pass the exam, the only space that I consciously thought about was a leisure train, which I had never been on at the time.  Continue reading Plessy v. Ferguson

The Farmville aquifer

I’m reading a book with great overview of the messy history of school integration : Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone and Its Troubled Legacy by James T. Patterson. This book is making me think that the battles for integrated public schools are where this country became what it is today (and current public school battles still speak to larger issues in our community and culture… just check out what has happened in my current hometown of Tuscaloosa, AL in the last six months here  and now here )

But today is about weird Farmville and has nothing to do with all of that (maybe…).

The house I stay in is across the street from a recent mass-murder house. Find out more here.

Continue reading The Farmville aquifer